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Introduction (2:02)
Session 1: Welcome To Philippi
Welcome To Philippi (6:17)
Grace and Peace (6:09)
A Holy Spirit Detour (7:04)
Humble Beginnings (12:46)
HE Will Finish It (4:35)
A God Who Answers Prayers (5:59)
Create More. Critique Less. (6:30)
The Gospel of Christ (6:28)
Practice: Breath Prayer (6:01)
Session 2: ME to WE
How To Be Humble (4:05)
We The Church (6:33)
A Crown of Thorns (5:50)
The One Who Actually Cares (5:15)
The Unsung Hero (3:39)
Shine Like Stars In The Sky (5:38)
Practice: Let’s Talk About You (2:57)
Session 3: Citizens of Heaven
Joy vs. Happiness (4:17)
The World’s Best Resume (5:18)
Water Under The Bridge (4:40)
Citizens of Heaven (7:02)
Practice: Press On (4:23)
Session 4: Say It Again
Say It Again (5:22)
The Age of Anxiety (5:30)
Think About These Things (4:47)
Practice: Contemplation (4:56)
The Secret To Being Okay (5:34)
A Truly Timeless Treasure (6:46)
Practice: Press On
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